Monday, April 28, 2008

Crouching Tigre

I like all of the individual parts of this episode. The music, the script, the board, the animation - they're all really good, but they don't really come together as a whole, which, as the director, is my fault. So, appologies to everyone on this episode. But we did come back gangbusters on,"Love and War," amd Wrong and Dance!"

Monday, April 7, 2008

Grave Escape Pt 2

One great thing about digital storyboarding is that it makes it easy to experiment with lighting. The shading and color effects can be added on a separate layer behind the line art, so if they don't work out they can easily be deleted without damaging the original.
It's easy to get carried away and over render your panels. But on the flip side - you can also use tones to pull masses together out of very rough sketches
I'm just starting to get my feet wet here - but by later episodes I really dove in. Hope you like them.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

It's a boy!

Sorry about the lack of new posts, but I've undertaken a new project: Fatherhood.

I've taken some time off to spend with him. Most of the day I just stare and smile.

Those are great days.